Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leisure Day in Torremolinos

We decided to relax on our FREE day today!  Marcia slept extra long and after breakfast, we packed some cold cut sandwiches from the breakfast buffet for our beach lunch and headed to the shore across the street.  The bar/restaurant on the Promenade owned the cabanas at the beach.  For only 4.50 Euros we rented a cabana with a cushioned beach chair for the entire day!  (A Euro equals $1.60)
Bathrooms and extra water bottles were only a few feet away.  We were visited by several vendors- selling purses, cheap watches and tempting massages.  A firm "no" became our mantra!

We brought our electronic books (IPad and Walkman) and relaxed in the sun for 5 hours.  What a life.   In the photo below, you can see Marcia with her trusty IPad.  Our hotel is in the background- our end room is visible behind Marcia's head. We wake up every morning with that view!  How great is that?!

 The sun was gentle and gave us only a nice tan- no burn.  The temperature was around 70 degrees- didn't break a sweat.  The water was tooooo cold- dipped our toes into it- but didn't want to go any further!

We joined some Grand Circle friends for dinner at the Guadelupe- ate gazpacho soup, avocado salad, canneloni and spinach crepes!  Desserts of chocolate mousse and fresh melon were our choices!

Note: we took a few minutes before dinner to pick up our clean and folded laundry in the lobby- an added service for the hotel guests. only a few Euros and we avoided the laundromat!  Every hour counts!

Got back from dinner early to pack for our next great excursion- off to Morocco!  (Africa.  We are going to Africa!!!!)  We will spend the night at a 4 star hotel there- all safe and very exciting.  We are looking forward to trying Moroccan food.  A trip to the Bazaar is on our "to do" list!  Hope to take some great pictures! If we don't get enough time to shop, we may have to venture off on our own safari.  Talk to you soon if we don't get captured!

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